Daytime Favourites Design Market
prints, ceramics, jewellery, knitwear, plants, homeware, stationery, treats, coffee + more!
New Dates for 2025 coming soon…
140 Morningside Rd,
Edinburgh EH10 4PX
Daytime Favourites Market holds no affiliation with The Old School House or Cornerstone. For all market-related enquiries, please email Daytime Favourites Market via the link below.
For Questions and Press:
Stall Applicants:
are you a designer or maker who produces high-quality, handmade, modern and design focussed pieces?
do you want an opportunity to sell your wares to the public through a lovingly curated market design market in the busy Edinburgh shopping centre of Morningside High Street?
we are looking for jewellers, knitters, ceramicists, printmakers, illustrators, tasty treat makers, stationery designers, coffee slingers, woodworkers, candlemakers, textile designers, bookbinders (and any other type of maker that we can’t think of right now) to join us at our next market.
Here are some reasons why YOU should apply to our market:
Our selection of stallholders is carefully curated to ensure a diverse array of options for customers and minimal competition between stall holders.
We foster a supportive and relaxed atmosphere at our markets! everyone is in the same boat.
We support newbies and financially challenged makers by offering one free half size stall at every market.
We offer half stalls, full stalls and table-less stalls to cater to every type of maker.
We support our makers by repaying a portion of their stall rental costs after each market. This repayment is funded by the accumulated door entry fees collected from customers. The total amount collected on the day is divided among the stallholders, reimbursing up to the full cost of their stall rental. At our last market, we were able to repay stallholders half of their stall rental cost. This initiative reflects our commitment to supporting our makers and our gratitude for their efforts in promoting the event and attracting customers with their beautiful creations.